In the meantime, I’d say if you’d like to give best linux tutorials a spin in its current state, you may go ahead and download the Linux power image but be sure to only try it in a virtual environment. PapyrOS is pretty much simplified, eye candy material designed desktop environment with a Arch base that aims to take user friendliness to another level in Linux power land.
You can pretty much create a brand new poll requesting a feature or asking one to be removed. You will pretty much decide what the operating system will look, act, and feel like in a voting platform. VOS is based off Arch Linux especially because of its lightweight and rolling release nature and it’s particularly known for its versatility, simplicity and cutting edge software.
There you have it, now this list was not exactly comprehensive and like I said above, we might be updating the article as needed. Technical preview one is essentially a test release to see where the community will take it from there. This I like to call clean politics or rather, pure FOSS. SOS utilizes the PiSi package manager and eopkg in the CLI which definitely, is unlike the aptget and pacman commands that you’re typically used to. PapyrOS promises a lot more than just a material themed user interface.