Latest Linux news says that Ubuntu 13 dot 10 with a 105MB /boot. Went for 500MB and that seemed to work. After it rebooted I did the updater, it said that there was not enough space, it installed fine. Then, wanted around another 196MB for the upgrade, must be a kernel upgrade or something.

3D Printing with Linux

You use a program called a slicer, when you prepare a file to go to a 3D printer.

Now, all you need is a subscription to have access to plenty of the world’s most popular music.

There once was a time when we bought CDs or even tapes.

Latest Linux News From Tech Pro Research

Truth be told, there’re apps, that happen to be closed source, that I depend upon. They wouldn’t even use commands used in Linux to be part of the picture, so in case those apps didn’t function within the Linux ecosystem. My daily routine hums along quite well, as long as those closed source apps function on Linux Power.